Here is a list of FAQs (Location for photography, method of payment, how to cancel reservations, etc.). Please use it as a reference when contacting us.
How far in advance can I make a reservation?
A. 3 ヶ月前から受付けしています。
We accept reservations 3 months in advance.
What are the options for the method of payments?
A. 撮影日に現金、または E-transfer にてお支払いください。
Cash on the day of the photo shoot, or E-transfer.
May I change the date?
A. はい、もちろん無料で変更出来ます。 事前にメール、またはお電話にてご連絡ください。
Yes, you may change the date for free. Please make sure to give us an email or call us in advance.
Is it possible to cancel?
A. はい、無料でキャンセル出来ます。事前にメール、またはお電話にてご連絡ください。
Yes, you can cancel it for free. Please make sure to give us an email or call us in advance.
Where is the location for photography?
A. 主にトロント市内(TTC 圏内)で撮影しています。その他トロント市外の場合はご相談いただけますと幸いです。
Mainly in Toronto (Within TTC). Please consult with us for any other locations.
Is it possible to have a photo shoot on weekends and holidays?
A. はい、予定が空いていれば可能です。
Yes, but it depends on our availability.
For on-location photography, do I also need to cover the transportation fee?
A. トロント市内(TTC 圏内)であれば交通費はかかりません。その他の地域は別途交通費を頂戴いたします。
If it’s within TTC, you are not required to pay the transportation fee. Otherwise, you will be required.
For studio photography, do I also need to cover the rental cost of the studio?
A. 小さなお部屋をスタジオとしているためスタジオ使用料はかかりません。
Since we are only using a small room as a studio, you are not required to pay the rental cost.
If you have any further questions, please contact us here.